To get the most out of your daily burn and really rev-up your metabolism, start bright and early. 

Get Up and Move!

Exercising first thing in the morning has been proven to be the most effective time to boost your metabolism. The extra surge in energy you will get from your morning workout will last all day. By starting your day out with exercising, it can help put your overall health into perspective. It can even have an effect on the food choices you make for the rest of the day — as you won’t want to ruin your morning workout.

Adding intensity to your workout can have extreme benefits to your metabolism as well. Try adding “bursts” into your workout routine. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes, try running in sporadic 5 minute increments to get your maximum caloric burn by amping up your metabolism.

Strength training is also beneficial to your metabolism. Strength training builds up your muscles, which in turn also build up your metabolism.

Don’t forget to get enough rest before beginning a workout, because sleep deprivation can actually slow down your metabolism.

Feed Your Body

Don’t forget breakfast! It really is the most important meal of the day. By eating a filling breakfast shortly after you wake up, you can help keep your metabolism strong. Try adding in extra protein to make you feel more full and to increase your energy. Raw fruit is a recommended breakfast option by your family practice doctor because it can sustain your energy all morning long.

Have a snack! You can eat and help yourself lose weight while boosting metabolism at the same time. Between breakfast and lunch, have a healthy snack. Have a square of dark chocolate, some grapefruit or pears. These foods and other healthy snacks like them can give your metabolism a boost as well as add other important health benefits.

Vitamin B and Magnesium are two of the most important vitamins you can take to increase your metabolism. Vitamin B, which is naturally found in foods such as eggs, fish, broccoli and spinach can turn fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy. Magnesium, which is also commonly found in foods rich with Vitamin B, makes your metabolism work to its best potential with all parts of your body.

By following these steps, you help your body increase your metabolism every morning of the week. Doing this consistently will make you and your family doctor feel very happy.