There’s a saying in life: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Yet many consumers continue to hold fast to the dream of effortless and quick weight-loss solutions, despite their ongoing controversy.

Research behind weight loss and obesity is rigorous and full of debate, but for the most part, losing weight is a mathematical formula: fewer calories in, more calories out. Disease and genetic predisposition can of course complicate this formula, but there is no way to circumvent it altogether with quick fixes like diet pills and supplements.

The Danger of Diet Pills

Just like any pill, diet pills can have scary side effects, but unlike legitimate medication, diet pills lack the medical benefits to outweigh those risks. Sometimes they can help create a spike in energy that makes people exercise harder, but the stress put on the heart, nervous system and other critical organs is far more significant than any perceived benefit from these types of pills. Most diet pills are not made or tested for safety in the U.S., and very few are actually approved by the FDA.

“All Natural” Doesn’t Mean “All Safe”

Even natural supplements are generally ineffective and unsafe. In fact, they can be even worse than standard diet pills. Dietary supplements do not have to be proven effective. What’s even more alarming is that they do not have to be proven safe at all.

In fact, Consumer Reports recently conducted a survey of 3,000 Americans who use weight loss supplements. Their findings showed that about half of these supplement users reported at least one side effect like significantly increased heart rate, jitters, dry mouth or digestive issues. All-natural, plant-based supplements are no safer than synthetic ones. Panic attacks and heightened blood pressure are typical side effects of the African tree bark extract yohimbe.

If you have questions about weight loss solutions, contact our Gwinnett weight loss clinic today. Our Lawrenceville doctors can help educate and empower you to make healthy choices that can add up to big weight loss benefits.