Fall offers a bountiful harvest of healthy seasonal produce to incorporate into your diet.  Not only are these fruits and vegetables delicious, but studies have shown that many are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.  They may also help protect against heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  Most fall produce is readily available at grocery stores and local farmers markets, and it stores well at home until you are ready to use it.

The following fall season fruits and vegetables are among the best nutritional choices:


Hundreds of varieties of apples are available and at their best in the fall.  Apples contain  vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.  They are rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestive health and moderates blood sugar levels.  Apples are delicious eaten raw or cooked.


Pears are another fall season fruit rich in fiber, vitamins, potassium, and copper.  The antioxidants in pears support immune health, reduce inflammation, and may help improve insulin sensitivity.  Pears can be eaten raw, baked, grilled, or in salsas.

Dark Leafy Greens

This category includes spinach, kale, Swiss chard, arugula, and collard greens.  These vegetables are low in carbohydrates, cholesterol, sodium, and calories.  They are good sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.  Besides salads, these greens can be added to soups, pesto sauce, stir-fry, wraps, or steamed as a side dish.


This fall vegetable contains many vitamins including A, D, E, K, and B vitamins.  One cup of broccoli provides as much vitamin C as an orange.  Broccoli is also a source of calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc.  The sulforaphane in broccoli has been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

Carrots and Parsnips

These closely related vegetables are good sources of fiber, vitamins C and K, and other nutrients.  They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids in digestion.  They can be prepared in many ways and used in salads, soups, stews, purees, and casseroles.  Although parsnips are usually eaten cooked, they can be eaten raw.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are related to cabbage, kale, and broccoli.  They are low in calories and a good source of protein.  In addition, brussels sprouts are high in calcium and vitamin K.  Roasting them in the oven reduces the harsh taste that some people dislike.

Winter Squash

Although the name suggests another season, winter squash becomes available in early fall.  Technically a fruit and not a vegetable, they have a long shelf life and can be stored for several weeks.  Popular varieties include acorn, butternut, delicata, and pumpkin.  Winter squash is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.  The seeds can also be roasted and eaten.

Next Steps

The physicians at RMD Primary Care are happy to answer questions about maintaining a healthy diet.  If It’s been a while since your last physical, it may be time to see one of our doctors for a checkup.  Contact us today to schedule an appointment.