Category Archive: health

How Do Triglyceride Levels Affect My Health?

Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood.  Most people are familiar with cholesterol levels but may have less knowledge about how triglycerides affect their health.  Triglycerides are stored in fat cells and released when the body needs energy between meals.  When we eat more calories than our body can burn, the level of triglycerides can become too high.  This can lead to serious health issues.

Anyone at any age can develop high triglyceride levels.  However, there are certain risk factors unique to women.  Triglycerides can be elevated during pregnancy, by using birth control pills with estrogen, and by hormone replacement therapy.  Certain medications can also raise triglyceride levels.

TriglyceridesA high triglyceride level can increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.  It can contribute to hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries.  High triglycerides can also lead to inflammation of the pancreas.  There are often no visible symptoms of high triglyceride levels.  Routine blood tests, usually done along with cholesterol testing, will determine triglyceride levels.  These tests are sometimes called a lipid profile or lipid panel.  A normal triglyceride level is measured at less than 150 mg/dL; high triglycerides are between 200-499 mg/dL; very high levels are 500 mg/dL and over.

Lifestyle changes can sometimes lower triglyceride levels naturally.  Healthy eating habits can make a big difference.  Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats, and sugary carbohydrates.  Choose low fat dairy and lean meats.  Eat fish twice a week.  Choose whole grains and foods high in fiber.  Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids including salmon, tuna, kale, spinach, and brussel sprouts can help lower triglycerides.  Other lifestyle changes that are beneficial include exercising more, losing excess weight, and decreasing alcohol use.

Your doctor can monitor triglyceride levels through regular checkups and routine blood work.  If lifestyle changes have not been enough to keep triglycerides under control, medications can be prescribed.

Boost Your Immune System for Better Health

Health and WellnessThe immune system is the body’s defense against infection and disease.  It’s made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body and keep it healthy.  When the immune system isn’t working as it should, the body is left vulnerable.  As we age, our immune system response becomes reduced, leading to increased infections and less ability to fight them.  It is important to do what we can to strengthen our immune system so that it can do its job effectively.  Here are ways to boost your immune system for better health.

Develop Smart Eating Habits

Eat more fruits and vegetables to give the body needed nutrients.  Blueberries, blackberries, and broccoli contain antioxidants that can improve immune health.  Foods rich in vitamin C, including citrus and bell peppers, and those high in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes and kale, are especially helpful to the immune system.  Yogurt contains probiotics that can keep the gut and intestinal tract healthy.  Salmon and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation in the body.

Get Enough Sleep

The body responds better to fighting infection when it is well rested.  According to the CDC, adults generally need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep, and school age children require 9-12 hours of shut eye.  To improve sleep habits, keep a consistent schedule for going to bed and getting up.  Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime.  Exercising during the day can help us sleep better.  Turning off electronic devices (computer, phone, TV) at bedtime is also a good practice.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, helps control weight, and helps alleviate stress.  All these factors can help boost the immune system.  Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous.  Even a 30-minute daily walk can be helpful.  In addition, exercise during the day often leads to better sleep at night.

Reduce Stress

Many people find themselves overcommitted and stressed.  Slow down, relax, and connect with family or friends.  Listen to music.  Meditation or yoga is helpful for some people.  Take a walk or do some stretching exercises.  Reduce your caffeine intake.  Stop smoking.

Avoid Food Poisoning at Summer Picnics

avoid picnic food poisoningSummer is the time of year when many families enjoy an outdoor picnic.  They pack up the cooler and the picnic basket and head off for an afternoon at the park or the lake.  But nothing ruins a fun time and good memories like a bad case of food poisoning.

E. coli, salmonella, and listeria are bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses in humans. Symptoms of food poisoning can include abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Undercooked foods and foods not stored at proper temperatures are a breeding ground for these bacteria.  These types of infections can be particularly serious for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems.  Remember that food spoilage is not always immediately evident by appearance or smell.

When transporting perishable foods to a picnic, they should be stored in a well-insulated cooler with plenty of ice or freezer packs.  Perishable foods include meats like hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken.  In addition, keep deviled eggs and salads containing mayonnaise, such as potato or macaroni salad, in the cooler.  During the drive, the cooler should be kept in the air conditioned part of the car rather than the trunk.  Food should be kept in the cooler until ready to be used.  Keep the cooler out of direct sunlight.  Do not let food sit outside the cooler for more than one hour in summer heat.  Take a separate cooler for drinks, so the food cooler is not opened so frequently.

Wash hands thoroughly before handling food.  If running water is not available, use wet wipes or hand sanitizer.  When grilling meat, be sure to cook thoroughly.  Undercooked ground beef can contain E. coli.  Use a meat thermometer to ensure the cooked beef has reached an internal temperature of 160 degrees F.  Color does not always indicate doneness.  Meat juices should be clear, not red or pink.  To avoid contamination, never place cooked meat on the same plate that held the raw meat.  Use clean utensils for serving.  Although hot dogs are fully cooked, it’s best to reheat them before serving.

Leftover foods should be returned to the cooler.  Refrigerate them immediately after returning home.  Discard food that has become warm.  Bacteria in food can double every twenty minutes.  Better to be safe than sorry.

There are some healthy foods that are safer choices for picnics.  They include tossed salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, pickled vegetables, salsa, pasta salad without mayonnaise, whole grain crackers, and nuts or nut butters.

Tips to Enjoy a Healthy Summer Outdoors

Summer time is here.  Families want to be outdoors in the warm weather enjoying activities at the pool, the park, the ballfield, and other venues.  Follow these simple tips so that everyone has a safe and healthy summer season.

Stay Hydrated

Children and adults who are active outside in hot and humid weather must stay hydrated.  The best way to do that is by drinking water.  Other beverages are not good substitutes for water, and drinks containing alcohol and caffeine may actually contribute to dehydration.  Water helps to replenish the fluids our bodies lose when we sweat and urinate.  Don’t wait until you feel thirsty.  Drink some water every 15-20 minutes when active outside in the heat.summer sun protection

Prevent Sunburn    

Sunburn puts us at risk for developing skin cancer and contributes to premature aging of the skin.  Try to limit outdoor activities during the middle of the day, when the sun’s rays are strongest.  Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays.  The SPF number measures how well the sunscreen protects skin compared to not wearing it.  The higher the SPF number, the better the protection.  SPF 15 may be adequate for limited sun exposure but use SPF 30 or higher for prolonged periods outside.  A water resistant product is a good option when swimming or if perspiring heavily.  Reapply the sunscreen often.

Protect your eyes from sun damage by wearing sunglasses outside.  A hat offers sun protection for the scalp, ears, and neck.  Some clothing is made of fabric with UV protection.  This works well for people with fair or sensitive skin types.

Avoid Insect Bites

Insect bites are more than just a summer annoyance.  Some insects, like mosquitoes and ticks, carry disease.  Mosquitoes are most active in early morning, dusk, and at night.  To prevent exposure to mosquitoes, wear long pants and long sleeved shirts.  Use insect repellent on exposed skin.  Some parents may choose to avoid using repellents containing DEET on their children.  Natural products are not as effective, so reapply them more often.  After walking in the woods or through tall grass, check yourself and your children for any ticks that may have attached to the body.  Remove ticks with tweezers and wash the bite with soap and water.  Wipe with alcohol to prevent infection.  Most insect repellents work on ticks as well as mosquitoes.

The Truth About Heatstroke

At its most basic, you suffer a heatstroke when your body overheats. This may be a result of too much physical activity in the sun (or other hot environments) or simply being exposed to the heat for a long period of time. When exposed to hot outdoors weather, humid weather can exacerbate your risk of heatstroke, especially if you are exposed to this weather for multiple, consecutive days. While heatstroke caused by strenuous physical activity can occur to anyone, those who are not accustomed to hot weather are at greater risk. Regardless of the direct cause, other exacerbating factors include wearing too much clothing, drinking alcohol, or not properly hydrating your body.

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Quit Smoking Once and For All

In today’s health-conscious world, it’s increasingly common to see people committing to the difficult but worthwhile task of quitting smoking. While this habit is among the hardest to break, it can definitely be done, and in this post we’re going to give you a couple tips to get you on your way to quitting for good. Let’s start off with an overlooked but important point: You need to have a reason.

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Ways to Help Prevent Arthritis in Women

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 80 million American adults will receive arthritis diagnoses by the year 2040. Women are at higher risk than men, and most adults are diagnosed after the age of 45.

You may show no signs of aching, stiff joints today, but your risk of experiencing pain goes up each year. To give yourself a fighting chance against this life-altering diagnosis, implement these three arthritis prevention strategies today.

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Does gender play a role in mental health?

Mental health is in the news a lot lately, especially with the increased focus on gun violence and everyone from politicians to celebrities weighing in on the state of mental health care in the United States. One issue you don’t hear a lot about is gender and mental health. Does one’s biological sex play a role in predisposition toward various conditions and type of treatment?

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Tips for a healthy pregnancy

Taking good care of yourself during pregnancy is very important. It is a time in your life where you need to pay special attention to your body. Below are some tips that can help to make your pregnancy a breeze.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms in Women

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that occurs when your immune system attacks and destroys healthy tissue for reasons that are unknown to date. RA typically affects joints on both sides of the body simultaneously, but can affect other non-joint areas of the body as well. RA is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis, with more than 50 million (or 1 in 5) adults diagnosed in the United States today. Although symptoms can appear at any age, women are three times more likely than men to develop rheumatoid arthritis, so it is important for female patients of any age to understand and recognize RA symptoms. Click here to read more »

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